WKWebView (iOS Swift)
What is wkwebview?
“An object that displays interactive web content, such as for an in-app browser.”
In this story, we learn very basic of wkwebview in two parts level 1 and 2.
In level 1 we load a webview and show little how it works.
- For this we decalre a wkwebview and wkwebviewConfiguration object.
What is wkwebviewConfiguration?
A WKWebViewConfiguration
object provides information about how to configure a wkwebview object. Use your configuration object to specify:
- The initial cookies to make available to your web content
- Handlers for any custom URL schemes your web content uses
- Settings for how to handle media content
- Information about how to manage selections within the web view
- Custom scripts to inject into the webpage
- Custom rules that determine how to render content
2. create a function i.e. loadview to set wkwebview frame and delegate.
3. By using wkNavigationDelegate we can trace wkwebview navigation.
Result -
In level 2 we try to load webview on webview .
Meanwhile i will load youtube webview to my medium webview. which we created previously.
- declare wkwebview for new webview.
- add some webview configuration i.e. allowsInlineMediaPlayback set to true and mediaTypeRequringUserActionForPlayback to null.
allowsInlineMediaPlayback → A Boolean value that indicates whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the native full-screen controller.
mediaTypeRequringUserActionForPlayback → The media types that require a user gesture to begin playing.
3. set frame for new webview.
4. add new webview frame to main view.
Output of level 1 and 2 -
Privacy — Photo Library Additions Usage Description
complete code-
Thanks!! Hope this will help you to learn. Please take a minute to review.